15 Reasons Why Corgis Are The Worst Dogs

In the diverse world of canine companionship, Corgis have undeniably earned their place as beloved pets for many. Known for their charming appearance, intelligence, and playful nature, these pint-sized herding dogs have captured the hearts of countless owners worldwide. However, like any breed, Corgis come with their unique set of characteristics, some of which might be perceived as drawbacks by potential pet parents.

In this blog post, we aim to take a closer look at commonly held misconceptions and explore the reasons why some individuals might consider Corgis as the “worst” dogs. It’s essential to approach such perspectives with an open mind, acknowledging that each dog is an individual with distinct traits, and what may be seen as a drawback for one person might be a delightful quirk for another.

Let’s delve into these considerations and debunk the myths surrounding Corgis as we explore the reasons behind their perceived challenges.


15 Reasons Why Corgis Are The Worst Dogs

Before we dive into this exploration, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the title, “15 Reasons Why Corgis Are The Worst Dogs,” is a deliberately provocative take on a breed that many adore. Every dog is unique, and what may be perceived as a drawback for one person could be a cherished trait for another.

This list is not intended to diminish the qualities that make Corgis beloved by countless owners but rather to explore some characteristics that, for some individuals, might pose challenges or require careful consideration.

So, let’s take a closer look at these aspects, recognizing that a comprehensive understanding of any breed involves embracing the full spectrum of their quirks and charms.


1. Excessive Shedding

With their distinct double coat, Corgis are notorious shedders, leaving a trail of loose hair in their wake. Combining a dense outer coat and a soft undercoat means that shedding is a year-round occurrence that tends to intensify during seasonal changes.

This can pose challenges for owners who prefer a tidy living space or those with allergies. The constant need for grooming and brushing to manage the shedding can be time-consuming, and the accumulated hair can find its way into furniture, carpets, and clothing.

While shedding is a natural aspect of many dog breeds, the extent to which Corgis shed may be overwhelming for some owners, making them less suitable for individuals seeking a low-maintenance or hypoallergenic companion.

Potential Corgi owners must weigh this aspect against the breed’s many positive qualities, such as intelligence, loyalty, and a friendly disposition.


2. Stubbornness

Corgis are known for their intelligence and strong will, which, when not properly managed through consistent training, can translate into stubborn behaviors.

This trait can make training sessions more demanding and time-consuming, as Corgis may be inclined to follow their agenda rather than that of their owner.

For inexperienced or inconsistent trainers, this stubbornness can be frustrating and may lead to behavioral issues. Potential Corgi owners need to understand the importance of early and consistent training to establish a strong bond and prevent stubborn tendencies from becoming problematic.

While some individuals may find the independent nature of Corgis endearing, those seeking a more easily trainable and obedient companion may find the breed’s stubborn streak challenging to navigate.

As with any breed, proper training and understanding of the dog’s behavior are key factors in fostering a positive relationship between Corgis and their owners.


3. Herding Instinct

Corgis are bred as herding dogs, and this instinct remains deeply ingrained in their behavior. This can manifest in undesirable ways, such as nipping at the heels of family members, particularly children or other pets.

While herding behavior is a natural part of the breed’s heritage, it can be problematic in a household setting, especially if not properly managed through training and socialization. The innate desire to herd may lead to situations where Corgis attempt to control the movement of people or animals around them.

For families with small children or other pets, this herding instinct might be perceived as intrusive or even potentially harmful. Potential Corgi owners need to be aware of this trait and invest time and effort into training to redirect and control the herding tendencies appropriately.

While some owners may find the herding instinct endearing, those unprepared for this behavior may find it challenging to integrate Corgis seamlessly into a family environment.


4. Potential for Obesity

Corgis are known to have a propensity for weight gain, partly due to their genetic makeup and body structure. Their long bodies and relatively short legs contribute to a build that can easily carry excess weight, and their love for food can exacerbate the issue.

Owners must carefully manage their Corgis’ diet and exercise to prevent obesity-related health problems, such as joint issues and diabetes.

The breed’s charming and affectionate nature can sometimes lead to overindulgence in treats, which, when unchecked, may contribute to weight problems. Additionally, Corgis tend to beg for food, and their expressive eyes can be hard to resist.

Responsible feeding practices and regular exercise are crucial to maintaining a healthy weight in Corgis. While some owners may enjoy the challenge of keeping their pets fit and healthy, those seeking a lower-maintenance exercise routine or those susceptible to overindulging their pets might find the potential for obesity in Corgis a significant concern.

It’s important to note that with proper care and attention to diet and exercise, the risk of obesity in Corgis can be effectively managed.


5. Vocalization

Corgis are known for being vocal dogs, expressing themselves through barking and other vocalizations. While this communication is a natural part of their behavior, it can become a point of contention for certain owners, particularly those living in close quarters or noise-sensitive environments.

Corgis may bark to alert their owners to perceived threats, greet visitors, or simply express excitement. Without proper training and socialization, this tendency to vocalize can become excessive and potentially bothersome. For individuals seeking a quieter or more reserved companion, the Corgi’s proclivity for barking may be a drawback.

Moreover, in apartment living situations, this vocalization can be a concern for both the owner and neighbors. Addressing this behavior through consistent training and positive reinforcement is crucial to managing and modifying the dog’s vocal tendencies.

While some owners appreciate the communicative nature of Corgis, potential owners should be aware of the breed’s inclination towards vocalization and be prepared to invest time in training to maintain a harmonious living environment.


6. Susceptibility to Joint Issues

Corgis, with their distinctive body structure characterized by long backs and relatively short legs, are more prone to certain joint problems, particularly in the spine and hindquarters.

The elongated spine puts them at risk for intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), a condition that can result in pain, paralysis, or even loss of mobility. Their stature also makes them susceptible to hip dysplasia, a genetic condition where the hip joint doesn’t fit into the hip socket properly, potentially leading to arthritis.

While responsible breeding practices can mitigate these risks, Corgis, like many other breeds with unique body shapes, require careful attention to prevent joint issues.

Maintaining a healthy weight, providing proper exercise, and avoiding activities that strain their backs are crucial for minimizing the likelihood of joint problems.

Potential Corgi owners should be aware of these considerations and work closely with reputable breeders to ensure that the breeding practices prioritize the health and well-being of the dogs. While the risk of joint issues exists, responsible care can contribute to a fulfilling and healthy life for Corgis.


7. Attention-Seeking

Corgis are known for their affectionate and social disposition, often seeking attention and companionship from their owners. While this trait can be endearing for many, it may pose challenges for individuals who have limited time to dedicate to constant interaction.

Corgis thrive on human companionship and may become restless or exhibit undesirable behaviors if they feel neglected. This attention-seeking tendency can lead to demands for play, petting, or interaction, which may not align with the lifestyle of owners with busy schedules.

Additionally, Corgis may develop separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods, further emphasizing their need for attention and companionship.

While some owners appreciate the loyal and loving nature of Corgis, those seeking a more independent or low-maintenance companion might find the attention-seeking behavior a potential drawback.

Prospective owners must assess their availability for consistent interaction and provide the mental and physical stimulation that Corgis need to thrive in a household setting.


8. Digging Instinct

Corgis, originally bred for herding purposes, often exhibit a strong instinct to dig. This behavior can be traced back to their history of digging and burrowing to herd livestock.

While this trait was once practical, it can become a source of frustration for owners, especially those who take pride in their well-maintained yards or gardens. Corgis may dig to alleviate boredom, seek cooler ground in hot weather, or simply out of instinct.

This behavior can result in unsightly holes and disrupted landscaping, potentially causing issues for owners who invest time and effort into their outdoor spaces.

Managing this digging instinct requires consistent training, mental stimulation, and providing alternative outlets for the dog’s energy, such as designated digging areas filled with loose soil or sand.

While some owners may find ways to redirect this behavior, those seeking a dog that doesn’t exhibit a strong digging instinct may find Corgis less suitable for their preferences and lifestyle.


9. Chasing Instinct

Corgis, originally bred for herding livestock, possess a strong instinct to chase moving objects. This behavior is deeply ingrained due to their historical role in controlling the movement of cattle.

While herding can be a positive trait in certain contexts, it can become problematic in domestic settings. Corgis may tend to chase after cars, bicycles, or even small children, especially if they perceive them as moving objects to be herded.

This behavior can pose safety risks both to the dog and those around them. It requires consistent training and socialization to redirect their instincts appropriately. For families with small children or in areas with heavy traffic, the chasing instinct of Corgis may be a concern.

Potential owners should be prepared to invest time in training and provide outlets for the dog’s energy to manage this instinct effectively.

While some owners may appreciate the active nature of Corgis, those seeking a more laid-back companion might find this chasing instinct challenging to navigate.


10. Potential for Aggression

Regarding the potential for aggression in Corgis, it’s important to note that aggression is not a characteristic that is inherently associated with the breed.

Corgis are generally known for their friendly and sociable nature. However, like any dog breed, individual temperament can be influenced by factors such as genetics, upbringing, training, and socialization.

While Corgis are not commonly considered aggressive, any dog has the potential to display aggressive behavior if they feel threatened, fearful, or are not properly trained and socialized.

Owners must prioritize early socialization and positive reinforcement training to prevent behavioral issues. Instances of aggression in Corgis are often the result of external factors or inadequate training rather than an inherent trait of the breed.

Responsible ownership, consistent training, and positive socialization experiences can help ensure that Corgis, like any other breed, develop into well-mannered and non-aggressive companions.


11. Prone to Separation Anxiety

Regarding the susceptibility of Corgis to separation anxiety, potential owners must be aware of this tendency. Corgis are known for forming strong bonds with their human companions, and their affectionate nature can lead to dependence.

When left alone for extended periods, Corgis may experience separation anxiety, which can manifest in behaviors such as excessive barking, destructive chewing, and house soiling.

This trait can be challenging for individuals with demanding schedules or those who cannot provide consistent companionship.

Addressing separation anxiety in Corgis requires gradual desensitization to being alone, positive reinforcement training, and the provision of mental stimulation in the owner’s absence.

While some owners appreciate the close bond and loyalty Corgis offers, those with limited time for constant companionship might find the breed’s potential for separation anxiety challenging. Prospective owners need to assess their ability to meet the social and emotional needs of a Corgi before deciding if the breed is the right fit for their lifestyle.


12. Limited Tolerance to Heat

Addressing the limited tolerance to heat in Corgis is crucial for individuals living in warmer climates. Corgis, with their double coat, were originally bred to handle cooler weather, particularly in Wales.

This characteristic makes them less equipped to deal with high temperatures, and they can be prone to overheating. The dense double coat acts as insulation, which can trap heat and make it difficult for Corgis to regulate their body temperature in warmer weather.

Owners in hot climates need to take extra precautions, such as providing shade, ensuring access to cool water, and avoiding strenuous activities during peak temperatures.

Potential owners residing in areas with predominantly warm weather might find the heat sensitivity of Corgis a concern, as they may need to take additional measures to keep their pets comfortable and safe.

It’s essential for individuals considering a Corgi to assess their ability to manage the breed’s heat sensitivity and provide the necessary care to ensure the dog’s well-being in warmer conditions.


13. Selective Hearing

Regarding the trait of selective hearing in Corgis, it’s essential to recognize that this behavior is not unique to the breed but rather a common aspect in many dogs.

Corgis, known for their intelligence and strong-willed nature, may sometimes exhibit a form of selective hearing where they choose when to respond to commands or requests.

This can be attributed to their independent streak and the need for consistent training and positive reinforcement. While some owners may find this behavior endearing or manageable, those seeking a dog with unwavering obedience might perceive it as a drawback.

The key to addressing selective hearing in Corgis lies in patient and consistent training, fostering a strong bond with the owner, and using positive reinforcement techniques.

Understanding the breed’s characteristics and investing time in training can help mitigate any challenges associated with selective hearing, making the Corgi a more cooperative and responsive companion.


14. Drooling

Generally, Corgis are not known for excessive drooling compared to some other breeds with more pronounced jowls. However, individual dogs may vary, and some Corgis might exhibit occasional drooling, particularly in situations such as mealtime or when excited.

While the drooling tendency in Corgis is usually not as prominent as in breeds known for heavy drooling, those who are particularly sensitive to or bothered by even minimal drool might find it a concern.

Potential Corgi owners need to spend time with individual dogs, observe their behavior, and discuss any concerns about drooling with breeders or rescue organizations.

Responsible ownership involves understanding and accepting the normal range of behaviors for a chosen breed, and in the case of Corgis, managing any potential drooling tendencies with regular grooming and attention to oral health.


15. Territorial Behavior

Addressing the territorial behavior in Corgis, it’s important to acknowledge that this trait is not unique to the breed and can be present in various dogs. Corgis, known for their herding background, may exhibit territorial instincts, particularly when it comes to their living space.

This behavior can manifest as barking or a protective stance when strangers approach the home. While some owners appreciate a certain level of territoriality as a protective measure, excessive or uncontrolled territorial behavior can become a concern, especially in urban or densely populated areas.

Responsible ownership involves early socialization to help curb extreme territorial tendencies and positive reinforcement training to teach the dog appropriate behaviors.

Potential Corgi owners should be aware of this trait and be prepared to invest time in training to strike a balance between a healthy sense of protection and a more manageable level of territorial behavior.

It’s crucial to recognize that individual experiences with a particular dog’s behavior can vary, and addressing potential territoriality in Corgis requires a commitment to training and understanding the breed’s instincts.


Key Takeaways

As we conclude our exploration of the perceived drawbacks of Corgis, it’s crucial to recognize that labeling any dog breed as the “worst” is a subjective judgment that can vary greatly from one individual to another. While we’ve delved into 15 reasons why some might view Corgis in a less favorable light, it’s essential to appreciate the full spectrum of their qualities. Corgis, like any other breed, bring a unique charm and companionship that resonates with many devoted owners worldwide.

It’s important to note that the characteristics discussed, whether it be shedding, stubbornness, or territorial behavior, are not exclusive to Corgis but rather traits found in various dog breeds. Responsible ownership, early training, and understanding the needs of a specific breed are pivotal in fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and their furry companions.

In the end, each dog is an individual with its personality, shaped by factors such as genetics, upbringing, and environment. Rather than focusing solely on perceived drawbacks, let’s celebrate the delightful quirks and unconditional love that Corgis, like all dogs, bring into our lives.

Whether you’re a current Corgi enthusiast or someone considering adding a furry friend to your family, it’s essential to approach pet ownership with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the unique qualities that make each dog, Corgi or otherwise, a cherished companion.


FAQ: Why Corgis Are The Worst Dogs


Q1: Are all Corgis considered “the worst” dogs?

A: No, it’s essential to remember that the perception of a dog being the “worst” is highly subjective. While some individuals may find certain traits in Corgis challenging, others adore them for their unique qualities.


Q2: What are some common reasons people consider Corgis challenging?

A: Commonly cited reasons include shedding, stubbornness, herding instincts, and the potential for health issues. However, it’s crucial to recognize that these characteristics can vary widely among individual dogs.


Q3: Is shedding a significant concern with Corgis?

A: Yes, Corgis are known for shedding quite a bit, especially with their double coat. Regular grooming and maintenance can help manage this, but potential owners should be prepared for a certain level of shedding.


Q4: Can Corgis be trained effectively despite their stubbornness?

A: Yes, with consistent training and positive reinforcement, Corgis can be trained effectively. Their intelligence and eagerness to please can make them responsive to proper training techniques.


Q5: Do all Corgis have strong herding instincts?

A: Yes, Corgis were originally bred as herding dogs, so a herding instinct is inherent in the breed. While it can be managed with training, potential owners should be aware of this natural behavior.


Q6: Are Corgis prone to specific health issues?

A: Like any breed, Corgis have certain predispositions to health issues, such as joint problems due to their body structure. Responsible breeding and proper care can help mitigate these risks.


Q7: Are Corgis good with families and children?

A: Yes, Corgis can make excellent family pets. However, proper socialization is crucial to ensure they interact well with children and other pets.


Q8: How can potential owners address Corgis’ perceived challenges?

A: Understanding the breed, investing time in training, and providing proper care are key. Consulting with reputable breeders or rescue organizations can offer valuable insights into individual dogs’ temperaments.


Q9: Can Corgis be suitable for certain living environments?

A: Yes, but factors like their vocalization and territorial behavior may be considerations, especially in apartments or close-knit neighborhoods.


Q10: Are there positive aspects to owning a Corgi?

A: Absolutely. Corgis are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and affectionate nature. Many owners find them to be delightful companions despite the perceived challenges.



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