Borzoi vs Saluki: Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to choosing the perfect dog breed for your family, it’s important to consider various factors such as size, temperament, grooming needs, and health issues. In this comprehensive comparison, we will delve into the similarities and differences between two elegant and regal breeds – the Borzoi and the Saluki. By examining each category, you’ll gain valuable insights into which breed may be a better fit for your lifestyle and preferences.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Size and Physical Characteristics

Borzoi and Saluki are both elegant and graceful dog breeds known for their slender build and distinctive physical characteristics, but they do have some differences in terms of size and appearance.


Size: Borzois are a larger breed. Adult males typically stand between 28 to 32 inches (71 to 81 cm) at the shoulder, and females are slightly smaller, ranging from 26 to 30 inches (66 to 76 cm).

Weight: Adult Borzois generally weigh between 75 to 105 pounds (34 to 48 kg).

Coat: They have a long, silky coat that can come in various colors, including white, cream, tan, or gray. Their coat is known for its feathering on the tail, legs, and neck.

Face: Borzois has a narrow, long head with a slightly arched muzzle.

Ears: They have small, fine-textured ears that are usually carried back against the neck when at rest.



Size: Salukis are also a slender breed, but they are slightly smaller than Borzois. Adult males typically stand between 23 to 28 inches (58 to 71 cm) at the shoulder, and females are generally smaller, ranging from 21 to 26 inches (53 to 66 cm).

Weight: Adult Salukis typically weigh between 40 to 65 pounds (18 to 29 kg).

Coat: Salukis have a smooth, fine coat that comes in various colors, including white, cream, fawn, black and tan, or grizzle.

Face: They have a long, narrow head with a gently tapering muzzle.

Ears: Salukis have large, floppy ears that hang close to their head.

Both Borzois and Salukis have a slender and graceful appearance, but Borzois are generally larger with a longer coat and smaller ears, while Salukis are slightly smaller with a smooth coat and larger, drooping ears. These physical differences are some of the key distinguishing features between the two breeds.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Temperament and Personality

Borzoi Known for their gentle and affectionate nature, Borzois are typically reserved and loyal towards their family members. Although they tend to be calm indoors, they have a strong prey drive and are known to chase smaller animals. Borzois are generally quiet but can be independent and sometimes aloof with strangers.

Salukis are often described as being gentle and reserved, but they are also known to be more aloof when compared to the Borzoi. Unlike the Borzoi, Salukis have a higher agility and speed, making them excellent hunters. Salukis are generally loyal to their families, but may not always display the same level of affection as Borzois.

Borzois tend to be gentle, affectionate, and more outgoing, making them well-suited for families and individuals seeking a loving companion. Salukis, on the other hand, are reserved and independent, requiring patience and early socialization.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Grooming Needs

Borzoi: Due to their long, flowing coat, Borzois require regular brushing to prevent matting and tangling. Grooming sessions should ideally be conducted a few times a week to keep their coat looking lustrous and healthy. Additionally, they may require occasional bathing to keep them clean and fresh.

Saluki: Salukis have a short, smooth coat that requires minimal grooming. Regular brushing with a soft-bristled brush to remove loose hair is typically sufficient. Baths are generally needed less frequently compared to Borzois due to their shorter coat length.

Salukis generally have lower grooming needs compared to Borzois. Their minimal shedding and single coat make them a more low-maintenance breed in terms of grooming. Borzois, with their double coat and moderate shedding, require more frequent brushing and occasional baths to keep their coat in good condition.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Lifespan

Borzoi: The average lifespan of a Borzoi ranges between 10 to 14 years. With proper care, nutrition, and regular veterinary check-ups, Borzois can live a long and healthy life.

Saluki: Salukis generally have a longer lifespan than Borzois, with an average range of 12 to 16 years. Providing them with a well-balanced diet and sufficient exercise can contribute to their overall longevity.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Shedding

Borzoi: Borzois are known to be moderate shedders, especially during their shedding seasons. Regular brushing helps to minimize shedding and keeps their coat looking neat. While some shedding is unavoidable, it can be managed with consistent grooming.

Saluki: Salukis are also moderate shedders but may shed less than Borzois due to their shorter coat length. Regular brushing and grooming can help control shedding and keep their coat in good condition.

When it comes to shedding, Salukis are generally the better choice if you prefer a dog with minimal shedding and a coat that is less likely to trigger allergies. Borzois, on the other hand, has moderate shedding, which may require more frequent grooming and cleaning to manage.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Good with Kids

Borzoi: Borzois are generally tolerant and gentle with children, making them a suitable choice for families. However, due to their large size and occasional aloofness, early socialization and supervised interactions with children are important.

Saluki: Salukis can be good with well-behaved children, although they may not have the same level of tolerance as Borzois. It is essential to teach children how to properly interact with and respect the personal space of a Saluki.

Both Borzois and Salukis can coexist with children, but they have different approaches to interacting with them. Borzois are often more naturally patient and affectionate, making them a potentially better fit for families with kids. However, Salukis can also be suitable if they are raised with children and given proper socialization and supervision to ensure positive interactions.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Trainability

Borzoi: Borzois have a moderate level of trainability and intelligence. They can be independent thinkers, which can make training sessions challenging at times. Consistent, positive reinforcement-based training methods work best with Borzois.

Saluki: Salukis are known for their independent and sometimes stubborn nature, which can make training more challenging. Patient and consistent training using positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, can help overcome their stubbornness.

Both Borzois and Salukis can be trained, but they have independent and somewhat aloof natures that can make training a bit challenging at times.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Exercise Needs

Borzoi: Borzois are active dogs that require regular exercise to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. Daily walks, along with opportunities to run and play in a secure, fenced area, are essential for their well-being.

Saluki: Salukis have a high need for exercise and enjoy being able to run freely in a safe and enclosed space. Daily walks, supplemented with off-leash running sessions, help meet their exercise needs and prevent them from becoming bored or restless.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Dog Behavior Issues

Borzoi Behavior Issues:

Independence: Borzois are known for their independent nature. While they can be affectionate, they may not always be as eager to please as some other breeds. This can make training a Borzoi more challenging, and they may tend to do things on their own terms.

Prey Drive: Borzois have a strong prey drive due to their history as hunting dogs. They may be prone to chasing small animals like squirrels or rabbits, which can be problematic if they are off-leash in unfenced areas.

Socialization: Proper socialization is crucial for Borzois to ensure they are comfortable around other dogs and people. Without adequate socialization, they may become timid or aloof.

Sensitivity: Borzois can be sensitive dogs, and harsh training methods or corrections can be counterproductive. Positive reinforcement and gentle training techniques tend to work best with this breed.

Exercise Needs: They have moderate exercise needs but enjoy short bursts of intense activity. Lack of exercise can lead to restlessness and potential behavior issues.


Saluki Behavior Issues:

Independence: Salukis share the independent streak common to many sighthounds. They are known for their aloof and reserved demeanor, which can sometimes be mistaken for indifference.

Prey Drive: Like Borzois, Salukis have a strong prey drive. They may be inclined to chase after smaller animals, which can pose challenges when they are off-leash.

Timidity: Salukis are often reserved and can be shy around strangers. Early and consistent socialization is essential to ensure they are comfortable in different situations.

Training Challenges: Salukis are intelligent but can be somewhat aloof when it comes to obedience training. They may not always respond quickly to commands, so patience and positive reinforcement are crucial for successful training.

Exercise Needs: They have moderate exercise requirements but also enjoy short bursts of intense running. Off-leash exercise in a secure area is advisable due to their prey drive.

Sensitivity: Salukis tend to be sensitive dogs and may not respond well to harsh training methods or corrections. Positive reinforcement and gentle handling are effective approaches.

Both Borzois and Salukis can make wonderful companions for experienced dog owners who understand and appreciate their unique traits and are willing to invest time in their training and care.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Intelligence

Intelligence in dogs can be multifaceted, and it’s not solely about obedience or problem-solving ability. Here’s a look at how Borzois and Salukis may differ in terms of intelligence:

Borzoi Intelligence:

Independent Thinkers: Borzois are often described as independent thinkers. While they are intelligent, they may not always be eager to please or quick to obey commands. They have a more aloof and reserved personality, which can make them appear less responsive to training.

Sight Hounds: Borzois are sighthounds, which means their intelligence is often focused on their keen visual acuity and hunting instincts. They excel at tracking and pursuing prey using their sight, which is a different type of intelligence compared to working or herding breeds.

Problem Solving: Borzois may exhibit problem-solving skills when it comes to hunting. They can strategize and work together as a pack to take down larger games, which requires a level of intelligence in terms of coordination and planning.


Saluki Intelligence:

Sensitivity: Salukis are known for their sensitivity and attentiveness to their surroundings. They are intelligent in their ability to notice even subtle changes in their environment, which can make them excellent watchdogs in terms of alerting their owners to potential threats.

Moderate Trainability: Salukis, like Borzois, may not be the most obedient dogs, as they can be independent and aloof. However, they are intelligent in their way and can learn commands when given patient and consistent training.

Hunting Skills: Salukis are also sighthounds, and their intelligence is geared toward tracking and chasing prey. They have a strong prey drive and can make quick decisions in the field.

Both Borzois and Salukis are intelligent breeds, but their intelligence is often channeled differently due to their historical roles as sighthounds. While they may not always excel in obedience training, they possess unique problem-solving and hunting-related intelligence. Successful training with these breeds often requires a patient and understanding approach that respects their independent nature.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Good with Other Dogs

Borzoi: Borzois generally get along well with other dogs, but they may display a higher prey drive towards smaller animals. Early socialization and proper introductions to other dogs are crucial to ensure smooth interactions.

Saluki: Salukis are known to have a strong pack mentality and typically get along well with other dogs, including those outside of their immediate family. However, as sighthounds, they may display a high prey drive towards small animals, so careful supervision is necessary.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Companion Dogs

Borzoi: Borzois make excellent and devoted companion dogs, particularly for individuals or families who can provide them with the attention and exercise they require. Their calm and gentle nature suits those seeking a loyal and loving companion.

Saluki: Salukis can also make wonderful companions, provided their exercise needs are met. They are known for their grace and elegance, making them a regal and loyal addition to the right household.

Both Borzois and Salukis can make loyal and affectionate companion dogs, but their suitability depends on your lifestyle and preferences. Borzois offers a gentle and elegant presence and is well-suited for moderately active households. Salukis, on the other hand, are known for their quiet and clean nature, making them a good choice for those who prefer a more reserved companion and can provide moderate exercise.

Borzoi vs Saluki: Health Issues

Borzoi: Like many large breed dogs, Borzois may be prone to certain health issues including bloat, heart problems, and bone-related disorders. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and appropriate exercise can help maintain their overall health and longevity.

Saluki: Salukis are generally a healthy breed, but they may be prone to certain conditions such as heart disease, eye problems, and hypothyroidism. Regular vet visits and preventive care are essential to identify and manage any potential health issues as they arise.


Borzoi vs Saluki: Pros & Cons

Borzoi Pros:

Elegant Appearance: Borzois are renowned for their graceful and elegant appearance, often described as “Russian Wolfhounds.”

Gentle Demeanor: They are known for their gentle and calm disposition, making them well-suited for families and individuals seeking a relaxed companion.

Low Grooming Needs: Despite their long coats, Borzois have relatively low grooming needs. Their coats are easy to maintain with regular brushing.

Moderate Exercise: Borzois has moderate exercise requirements and enjoys short bursts of intense activity. They can adapt to both apartment living and homes with yards.

Independent Thinkers: While this can be a con, their independent nature can also be a pro for experienced dog owners who appreciate a more self-reliant breed.


Borzoi Cons:

Independence: Borzois’ independence can make them less responsive to commands, and training may require more patience and consistency.

Prey Drive: Their strong prey drive means they may chase after small animals when off-leash, posing a potential challenge.

Sensitivity: Borzois are sensitive dogs and may not respond well to harsh training methods or corrections.


Saluki Pros:

Graceful and Unique Appearance: Salukis are known for their elegant, slender, and unique appearance, often described as the “Royal Dog of Egypt.”

Low Shedding: They have minimal shedding and are considered a hypoallergenic breed, making them suitable for allergy sufferers.

Moderate Exercise Needs: Salukis have moderate exercise requirements and enjoy short sprints, making them a good fit for active families.

Quiet and Clean: Salukis are known for being relatively quiet and clean dogs, which can be appealing to some owners.


Saluki Cons:

Independence: Like Borzois, Salukis can be independent and may not always be eager to please, which can make training more challenging.

Prey Drive: Their strong prey drive means they may chase small animals when off-leash, requiring secure containment and supervision.

Timidity: Salukis are often reserved and may be shy or aloof around strangers, requiring early socialization.

Sensitivity: They are sensitive dogs and may not respond well to harsh training methods or corrections.

Minimal Obedience: Salukis are not typically as obedient as some other breeds and may require extra effort in training and recall.


Key Takeaways

The choice between a Borzoi and a Saluki depends on your specific lifestyle and preferences. Here’s a conclusion highlighting which dog may be better suited for different lifestyles:

Choose a Borzoi If:

You Want a Gentle and Calm Companion: If you desire a dog with a gentle and calm demeanor, Borzois is an excellent choice. They are known for their relaxed and easygoing nature.

You Have Moderate Exercise Availability: Borzois have moderate exercise needs and can adapt to various living environments, including apartments, as long as they receive daily exercise.

You Appreciate Elegant Appearance: If you’re drawn to the elegance and graceful appearance of Borzois, they make a stunning addition to your home.

You’re an Experienced Dog Owner: Their independent nature may be better suited for experienced dog owners who are patient and consistent in training.


Choose a Saluki If:

You Want a Quiet and Clean Dog: Salukis are known for being relatively quiet and clean dogs, making them a good fit for households that prefer a more low-key companion.

You Have Allergies: Salukis have minimal shedding and are considered hypoallergenic, which can be beneficial for allergy sufferers.

You’re Active and Can Provide Exercise: Salukis enjoy moderate exercise and short sprints. If you’re an active individual or family, they can be a good match for your lifestyle.

You Can Commit to Early Socialization: Due to their reserved nature, early and consistent socialization is essential to ensure Salukis are comfortable in various situations.

You’re Patient with Training: Salukis may be more independent and less obedient than some breeds, so patience and positive reinforcement training are crucial.

In the end, both Borzois and Salukis can make wonderful pets, but the choice should align with your specific lifestyle, living situation, and experience as a dog owner. Understanding the unique characteristics and needs of each breed will help you make an informed decision and provide the best home for your chosen companion.


Borzoi vs Saluki: FAQ

1. What are the origins of Borzois and Salukis?

Borzois originated in Russia and were originally bred for hunting wolves and other large game. Salukis are one of the oldest known dog breeds and have their roots in the Middle East, where they were used by nomadic tribes for hunting gazelles and other swift game.

2. Are Borzois and Salukis good family pets?

Both Borzois and Salukis can be good family pets, but they are not typically recommended for families with very young children due to their sensitive nature and independent personalities. They are better suited for families with older children and individuals who understand their specific needs.

3. How do Borzois and Salukis behave around other pets?

Borzois and Salukis have strong hunting instincts, so they may be inclined to chase small animals, including cats and smaller dogs. Early socialization and training are essential to help them coexist with other pets.

4. What is the exercise requirement for these breeds?

Both Borzois and Salukis are active breeds that require regular exercise. They enjoy running and should have access to a secure, fenced area where they can stretch their legs. Daily walks and playtime are important to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

5. What are the grooming needs of Borzois and Salukis?

Borzois have long, silky coats that require regular brushing to prevent matting. Salukis have a short, smooth coat that is relatively low-maintenance in terms of grooming. However, both breeds benefit from routine grooming to keep their coats healthy.

6. Which breed is more suitable for a first-time dog owner?

Neither Borzois nor Salukis are typically recommended for first-time dog owners. They both require experienced owners who understand their specific needs and can provide the necessary training and care.

7. Are Borzois and Salukis good watchdogs?

Both breeds have a keen sense of sight and can be alert and watchful, but they are generally not known for being aggressive watchdogs. They may bark to alert their owners to something unusual, but they are not aggressive guard dogs.

8. How do Borzois and Salukis tolerate cold and hot weather?

Borzois have a thick, insulating coat that provides some protection against cold weather, but they can still be sensitive to extreme cold. Salukis have a thinner coat and may be more sensitive to cold. In hot weather, both breeds are at risk of overheating due to their slender build, so they should be kept cool and well-hydrated.


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