Borzoi Price In India 2023: FAQ & Fun Facts

If you’re a dog lover in India and have been considering adding a Borzoi to your family, it’s essential to understand the factors that can influence the price of this elegant breed. In this article, we will delve into the Borzoi price in India, explore the various factors that affect its cost, discuss associated expenses with Borzoi ownership, and provide an overview of this magnificent breed.


Borzoi Price in India

Borzoi Price in India can vary significantly depending on various factors. You can expect to pay anywhere between Rs 50,000 to Rs 1,00,000 for a well-bred Borzoi puppy from a reputable breeder. However, there might be instances where the price exceeds this range due to factors such as the bloodline, show quality, and the reputation of the breeder. Additionally, the region in which you reside can also influence the price due to transportation costs and demand.


Factors Affecting Borzoi Price in India

Several factors impact the price of a Borzoi in India, including:

Bloodline and Pedigree: The pedigree of a Borzoi plays a significant role in determining its price. Dogs with a strong lineage tracing back to champion bloodlines and with a long history of successful show dogs tend to have a higher price tag. The more prominent the lineage, the more likely the breeder will charge a premium for puppies.

Show Quality: Borzoi that possess the physical traits and characteristics desired in dog shows can command a higher price. Show-quality Borzoi often have distinct markings and proper conformation, and exhibit the breed standards set by kennel clubs and breed associations.

Reputation of the Breeder: Reputable breeders who prioritize the health, temperament, and overall well-being of their Borzoi puppies will charge a higher price. These breeders invest time, effort, and resources into ensuring their puppies are properly socialized, vaccinated, and undergo necessary health checks before being sold.

Demand and Availability: The supply and demand for Borzoi puppies in a specific region can affect their price. If there is a high demand and a limited number of reputable breeders in the area, the price might be higher due to the scarcity of available puppies.

Location and Transportation Costs: If you are purchasing a Borzoi from a breeder located in a different city or state, additional costs such as transportation charges might be incurred. These costs can contribute to the overall price of the dog.


Associated Costs with Borzoi Ownership

Apart from the initial purchase price of a Borzoi, it is crucial to consider the associated costs that come with owning this graceful breed. Some of the common expenses include:

Food and Nutrition: Borzoi’s diet should consist of high-quality dog food that meets their specific nutritional requirements. High-quality dog food can be more expensive but is necessary for maintaining the health and well-being of your pet.

Veterinary Care: Routine veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive treatments are essential for keeping your Borzoi healthy. These costs include annual vaccinations, deworming, heartworm prevention, flea and tick prevention, and other necessary veterinary procedures.

Grooming: The luxurious coat of a Borzoi requires regular grooming to keep it in optimal condition. Professional grooming services might be necessary, which can add to the overall cost of owning a Borzoi.

Training and Socialization: Investing in training classes and socialization activities for your Borzoi is essential for both their well-being and the safety of those around them. Training expenses may vary depending on the specific needs of your dog.

Equipment and Supplies: Various equipment, such as a leash, collar, bedding, toys, and food bowls, will be needed to ensure your Borzoi is comfortable and well-cared for. These costs should be factored into the overall cost of ownership.

In all above mentioned factors be prepared to spend Rs50,000 to Rs 60,000 per year in addition to the initial purchase cost in owing this elegant breed.


Is Borzoi Available In India?

Borzois are not very common in India, and finding a Borzoi puppy might require some effort and research. Here are some steps you can take to find a Borzoi puppy in India:

Contact Local Breeders: Reach out to local dog breeders, especially those who specialize in exotic or rare breeds. They may be able to provide information on the availability of Borzoi puppies or direct you to other breeders who may have them.

Exotic Breed Importers: Some breeders or importers specialize in bringing exotic breeds into the country. Contacting these individuals or businesses may lead you to a source for Borzoi puppies.

Online Platforms: Utilize online platforms such as Facebook groups, Instagram, and other social media channels. Join dog-related communities and groups where breeders and enthusiasts share information about available puppies.

Online Pet Marketplaces: Explore online pet marketplaces and websites that connect buyers with breeders. Look for reputable platforms that screen and verify the breeders to ensure the well-being of the puppies.

Pet Shows and Events: Attend local pet shows and events where breeders often showcase their dogs. This can be an excellent opportunity to meet breeders in person, ask questions, and express your interest in acquiring a Borzoi puppy.

Veterinarians and Local Dog Clubs: Consult with local veterinarians and dog clubs. They may have information about Borzoi breeders or be able to connect you with individuals in the dog breeding community.

Specialized Websites: Explore websites that focus on dog breeds and breeding. Some platforms may have listings for Borzoi puppies or provide information on breeders in India.

Networking with Borzoi Enthusiasts: Reach out to Borzoi enthusiasts and clubs. They can offer valuable insights, share their experiences, and potentially guide you to reputable breeders.

Remember to thoroughly research and verify the credibility of any breeder or source you consider. Responsible breeding practices and the health and well-being of the dogs should be a priority. Additionally, inquire about the breeder’s reputation, the puppy’s health history, and any necessary documentation.


Borzoi Puppy Price In India
Image Source Pixabay


Breed Overview: Borzoi

Breed NameBorzoi (Russian Wolfhound)
PurposeOriginally bred for hunting large game, including wolves
TemperamentGentle, loyal, and often reserved; can be independent
SizeLarge: Males typically stand 28-33 inches (71-84 cm) at the shoulder, females slightly smaller
WeightMales: 75-105 pounds (34-48 kg); Females: 60-85 pounds (27-39 kg)
CoatA long, silky, and straight coat that requires regular grooming
ColorVarious colors and patterns, often with white markings
Lifespan7 to 10 years
Health ConcernsProne to heart disease, bloat, hip dysplasia, and certain genetic conditions
Exercise NeedsHigh; requires regular exercise to prevent boredom and maintain health
Living EnvironmentSpacious areas with room to run, not suitable for small apartments
SocializationNeeds early socialization to prevent excessive shyness or aggression
TrainingCan be somewhat independent and may require patient, consistent training
GroomingRegular brushing to prevent matting and occasional baths
Good with ChildrenGenerally good with older children, but their size can be a concern
Prey DriveStrong; may chase small animals, including cats and smaller dogs
Watchdog AbilityGood watchdogs; alert but not typically aggressive barkers
PopularityRecognized by major kennel clubs worldwide, but less common as a household pet
Notable FeaturesElegant, graceful appearance with a distinctive long, narrow head and slender body
Borzoi Puppy Price in IndiaRs 50,000 to Rs 1,00,000


A Brief History of Borzoi

The Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound, is a breed with a rich history that dates back several centuries. Here’s a brief overview of their history:

Origins in Russia: The Borzoi breed originated in Russia, where it was initially developed for hunting. Russian aristocracy and nobility were particularly fond of hunting, and they required a breed capable of pursuing game such as wolves, foxes, and hares across the vast and often harsh Russian terrain.

Crossbreeding: The exact ancestry of the Borzoi is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have been developed by crossing various breeds, including Arabian Greyhounds and Russian sheepdogs. These crosses were carefully selected to create a dog that possessed both speed and strength.

Russian Nobility: Borzois were highly prized by the Russian nobility, including the Romanovs, who ruled Russia for centuries. These elegant and graceful dogs were often seen accompanying nobles on hunts and were a symbol of wealth and prestige.

Hunting Role: Borzois were primarily used for hunting large game, particularly wolves. Their remarkable speed and agility, combined with their keen eyesight, allowed them to chase down and hold the game until the hunters arrived.

Export to Western Europe: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Borzois were exported to Western Europe, including the United Kingdom and France. They gained popularity among European aristocrats and were often seen in high society and at dog shows.

Name Change: The breed was initially known as “Russian Wolfhounds” when introduced to Western Europe. However, the name was eventually changed to “Borzoi” to reflect its Russian heritage.

Survival in Russia: Despite the upheavals of the Russian Revolution and the fall of the Russian aristocracy, Borzois managed to survive in Russia. They continued to be used for hunting and were also employed as racing dogs.

Modern Role: Today, Borzois are less commonly used for hunting but are cherished as companion animals and show dogs. They are known for their elegance, grace, and gentle temperament.

Recognition: The Borzoi was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1891 and by other major kennel clubs worldwide.

The Borzoi has a long and storied history as a hunting dog, a symbol of aristocracy, and a beloved companion. Its journey from the vast hunting grounds of Russia to the salons of European nobility showcases its enduring appeal and unique place in canine history.


Temperament of Borzoi

The Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound, is known for its distinctive temperament, which combines elegance, gentleness, and a touch of independence. Here’s a more detailed look at the typical temperament of the Borzoi:

Gentle and Reserved: Borzois are generally gentle dogs with an air of reserve. They tend to be dignified and somewhat aloof, especially around strangers. While they may not be overly affectionate with everyone they meet, they form strong bonds with their owners and can be very loyal.

Intelligent and Independent: These dogs are intelligent and often have an independent streak. While this independence can make them less eager to please than some other breeds, it also means they can be creative thinkers and problem solvers.

Calm and Quiet: Borzois are known for their calm demeanor and are not typically noisy or prone to excessive barking. This quality can be appreciated by those who prefer a quieter living environment.

Sensitivity: Borzois are sensitive dogs and do not respond well to harsh training methods or punishment. Positive reinforcement and patience are usually more effective in training them.

Good with Families: Borzois can be good family dogs, particularly in households with older children who understand how to interact with dogs gently and respectfully. Their gentle nature makes them well-suited for families that appreciate a more reserved and elegant companion.

High Prey Drive: Due to their history as hunting dogs, Borzois often have a strong prey drive. They may be inclined to chase small animals, including cats or small dogs, if not properly socialized and trained.

Need for Exercise: Borzois has a lot of energy and requires regular exercise. They enjoy running and can be great companions for active individuals or families who can provide them with the opportunity to stretch their legs.

Watchful and Alert: While not aggressive, Borzois are alert dogs and make excellent watchdogs. They are often aware of their surroundings and will alert their owners to any potential threats.

Socialization is Key: Early socialization is crucial for Borzois to help them develop well-rounded temperaments and reduce shyness or skittishness. Exposing them to various people, animals, and situations can help them feel more at ease.

Borzois are known for their gentle and reserved temperament, making them suitable for families that appreciate their elegant demeanor. They are intelligent but can be somewhat independent, so positive reinforcement and patient training methods work best. Regular exercise and socialization are essential to ensure they are happy and well-adjusted companions.


Grooming Needs of Borzoi

Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound, is a large and elegant dog breed with a silky coat. Despite their long and luxurious fur, Borzois have relatively low grooming needs compared to some other long-haired breeds. Here are some grooming tips for Borzois:

Brushing: Borzois have a long, silky coat that requires regular brushing to prevent matting and tangling. Brush your Borzoi at least once a week to remove loose hair and prevent mats. Use a slicker brush or a pin brush to gently comb through the coat. Pay special attention to areas prone to matting, such as behind the ears and around the neck.

Bathing: Borzois are generally clean dogs and do not have a strong odor. Bathe them as needed, which is typically every few months or when they get dirty. Use a mild dog shampoo to avoid drying out their skin and coat. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all shampoo residue.

Nail Care: Regular nail trimming is essential for Borzois, as their nails can become long and cause discomfort or even affect their gait. Trim their nails every few weeks or as needed. Be cautious not to cut into the quick, as this can be painful and may cause bleeding. If you are unsure, seek guidance from a veterinarian or a professional groomer.

Ear Cleaning: Check and clean your Borzoi’s ears regularly to prevent wax buildup and potential infections. Use a vet-recommended ear cleaner and a cotton ball, but avoid inserting anything deep into the ear canal.

Dental Care: Dental hygiene is important for all dogs, including Borzois. Brush your dog’s teeth regularly with a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste or provide dental chews to help maintain oral health.

Coat Trimming: While Borzois generally do not require extensive trimming, you may need to trim the hair between their paw pads to prevent matting and make walking more comfortable.

Professional Grooming: While Borzois don’t require frequent professional grooming, a visit to a groomer a few times a year can help maintain the coat’s health and appearance.

Remember that individual grooming needs may vary based on the specific coat type and activity level of your Borzoi. Regular grooming not only keeps your Borzoi looking beautiful but also contributes to their overall health and well-being.


Life Span of Borzoi

On average, Borzoi has a lifespan of around 10 to 12 years. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and routine veterinary care can help ensure a long and healthy life for your Borzoi companion.

Borzoi Puppy Price In India
Image Source Pixabay


Training Needs of Borzoi

Training a Borzoi can be a rewarding experience, but it’s essential to understand their unique characteristics and needs. Here are some key considerations for training a Borzoi:

Start Early: Begin training your Borzoi as early as possible. Puppies are more receptive to learning, and early training sets a solid foundation for their behavior as adults.

Positive Reinforcement: Borzois responds best to positive reinforcement techniques. Use praise, treats, and rewards to motivate and encourage desired behaviors. Harsh training methods or punishment can be counterproductive and may lead to resistance or fear.

Consistency: Be consistent in your commands and expectations. Use the same cues for specific behaviors and ensure that all family members are on the same page regarding training methods and rules.

Socialization: Early and extensive socialization is crucial for Borzois. Expose them to a variety of people, animals, and situations to prevent shyness or fearfulness. This helps them become well-adjusted and confident adults.

Recall Training: Due to their strong prey drive, Borzois can be prone to chasing small animals. It’s vital to work on recall training in a secure, fenced area to ensure they come back when called.

Exercise Needs: Borzois has high energy levels and requires regular exercise to stay happy and healthy. Engage them in activities like running, hiking, or lure coursing to satisfy their need for physical activity.

Leash Training: Teach your Borzoi to walk on a leash from an early age. Since they have a strong chasing instinct, leash training is essential for safety during walks.

Obedience Training: Enroll your Borzoi in obedience classes to work on basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and down. Advanced training can also help them develop better manners and responsiveness.

Patience and Persistence: Borzois can be independent and may take longer to grasp certain commands. Be patient and persistent in your training efforts. Consistent, gentle guidance is key.

Prevent Boredom: Borzois are intelligent dogs, and boredom can lead to undesirable behaviors. Provide mental stimulation through puzzle toys, interactive games, and training sessions to keep their minds engaged.

Barking Control: Borzois are generally quiet dogs, but some individuals may bark when they’re excited or alert. Teach them a “quiet” command to control excessive barking.

Watch for Sensitivity: Borzois are sensitive dogs, so monitor their body language and reactions during training. If they seem stressed or uncomfortable, adjust your approach and provide reassurance.

Remember that training should be a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your Borzoi. Tailor your training methods to suit their personality and needs, and focus on building a strong bond based on trust and cooperation. If you encounter any challenges or behavioral issues, consider seeking the guidance of a professional dog trainer who has experience with sighthound breeds like the Borzoi.


Health Issues of Borzoi

Borzoi dogs, like all breeds, can be prone to certain health issues. It’s important for potential Borzoi owners to be aware of these conditions and work with reputable breeders who prioritize the health of their breeding dogs. Here are some health issues commonly associated with Borzois:

Heart Issues (Cardiomyopathy): Borzois are susceptible to heart conditions, particularly dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and appropriate exercise can contribute to heart health.

Hip Dysplasia: This is a genetic condition where the hip joint doesn’t fit into the hip socket properly. It can lead to arthritis and lameness over time. Responsible breeding practices can help minimize the risk of hip dysplasia.

Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD): OCD is a joint disorder that affects the cartilage and bone development in large breeds, including Borzois. Proper nutrition and avoiding rapid growth in puppies may help prevent this condition.

Bloat (Gastric Torsion): Borzois, like many deep-chested breeds, can be prone to bloat, which is a life-threatening condition where the stomach fills with gas and twists. Feeding smaller meals, avoiding exercise immediately after meals, and knowing the signs of bloat are important for Borzoi owners.

Thyroid Issues: Hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland is underactive, can occur in Borzois. Regular thyroid screenings can help monitor and manage this condition.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): PRA is an inherited condition that causes gradual vision loss and can lead to blindness. Responsible breeding practices, including screening for PRA, can help reduce the risk.

Cancer: Like many large breeds, Borzois can be susceptible to various types of cancer. Regular veterinary check-ups and a healthy lifestyle may contribute to early detection and prevention.

Allergies: Borzois may be prone to skin allergies or food sensitivities. Identifying and addressing allergens can help manage these conditions.

Von Willebrand’s Disease: This is a bleeding disorder that can affect Borzois. Responsible breeding practices and veterinary monitoring can help manage and reduce the risk of this condition.

It’s crucial for Borzoi owners to maintain regular veterinary check-ups, provide a balanced diet, and ensure proper exercise to promote overall health and well-being. Additionally, choosing a responsible breeder who screens for common genetic issues can contribute to the long-term health of the breed. Regular monitoring, early detection, and prompt veterinary care are essential for managing potential health concerns in Borzois.


Can Borzoi Survive in the Indian Climate?

Borzoi, originally bred in Russia, have a thick and luxurious coat that provides insulation against cold weather. While they may not be ideally suited for hot and humid climates like that of India, Borzois can adapt with proper care. It’s essential for owners to take precautions and provide a suitable environment for their Borzoi in warmer conditions.

This includes providing shade, ensuring access to fresh water at all times, and avoiding strenuous exercise during the hottest parts of the day. Regular grooming to manage their coat, including brushing to remove loose hair and prevent matting, is crucial.

Additionally, providing a well-balanced diet and monitoring for signs of heat stress, such as excessive panting or lethargy, is important. Responsible ownership and attention to the specific needs of Borzois can help them thrive in diverse climates, including the warmer regions of India.


Pros & Cons of Owning a Borzoi

Owning a Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound, can be a rewarding experience for the right person or family. However, like any breed, they come with their own set of pros and cons. It’s essential to consider these factors before bringing a Borzoi into your home:

Pros of Owning a Borzoi:

Graceful and Elegant: Borzois are known for their regal appearance and elegant demeanor. Their long, slender bodies and silky coats make them a beautiful and unique breed.

Gentle Temperament: They are typically gentle and friendly dogs, often well-suited for families with older children or calm households.

Low Shedding: Despite their long fur, Borzois are relatively low shedders. This can be a pro for people with allergies or those who don’t want to deal with excessive grooming.

Loyal and Affectionate: Borzois are known to form strong bonds with their owners and can be quite affectionate once they establish trust.

Good Watchdogs: They have excellent sight and are alert to their surroundings, making them good watchdogs without being overly aggressive.

Minimal Barking: Borzois tend to be quiet dogs, which can be a pro if you live in a quiet neighborhood or apartment.

Exercise Companions: They enjoy exercise and can make excellent companions for those who like to jog or take long walks.


Cons of Owning a Borzoi:

High Exercise Needs: Borzois has a lot of energy and requires daily exercise. Without proper stimulation, they may become bored and develop undesirable behaviors.

Space Requirements: Due to their size, Borzois needs a spacious living environment. They may not be suitable for small apartments or homes without a yard.

Independent Nature: Borzois can be independent and aloof at times, which may not be suitable for owners seeking a highly interactive and obedient dog.

Prey Drive: These dogs have a strong prey drive and may chase small animals, including cats and smaller dogs. They should be socialized early to mitigate this behavior.

Grooming: While they are low shedders, their long coats require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles.

Health Concerns: Borzois are prone to certain health issues, including heart disease, bloat, and hip dysplasia. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential.

Training Challenges: Their independent nature can make them somewhat challenging to train. Consistent and patient training methods are necessary.

Short Lifespan: Borzois have a relatively short lifespan compared to smaller breeds, usually around 7 to 10 years, which can be emotionally difficult for owners.

Owning a Borzoi can be a rewarding experience for those who are prepared to meet their unique needs. They are loyal, elegant, and gentle dogs, but they also require ample exercise, grooming, and a suitable living environment. Potential owners should consider their lifestyle and commitment to meeting these needs before bringing a Borzoi into their home.


Borzoi Dog: Fun Facts

Russian Aristocracy: Borzois were historically favored by Russian aristocracy, including the Romanovs, and were often found in the courts of Russian tsars and nobles.

Swift Hunters: Borzois are renowned for their speed and agility. They were originally bred to pursue and capture fast-moving game, such as wolves, in the Russian wilderness.

Loyal Companions: Despite their hunting heritage, Borzois are known for their gentle and loyal nature. They often form strong bonds with their owners and can be affectionate family pets.

Quiet Dogs: Borzois are generally quiet dogs and are not prone to excessive barking. This trait makes them well-suited for living in peaceful environments.

Distinctive Appearance: Borzois have a striking appearance with their long, slender bodies, silky coats, and a distinct, narrow head. They are often considered one of the most elegant dog breeds.

Russian Name Change: In the late 19th century, the breed’s name was changed from “Russian Wolfhound” to “Borzoi” to reflect its Russian heritage. “Borzoi” means “fast” or “swift” in Russian.

Olympic Connection: Borzois made an appearance in the opening ceremony of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, highlighting their cultural significance in Russia.

Artistic Inspiration: Borzois have been depicted in various forms of art, including paintings, literature, and sculptures. They have been featured in works by artists like Pablo Picasso and writers like Virginia Woolf.

Health Considerations: Borzois are susceptible to certain health issues, including heart disease, bloat, and hip dysplasia. Regular veterinary check-ups are important for their well-being.

Short Lifespan: Unfortunately, Borzois tend to have a shorter lifespan compared to some other breeds, with an average life expectancy of 7 to 10 years.

Famous Borzois: Several famous individuals have owned Borzois, including author Agatha Christie, who featured the breed in her novel “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.”

Tall and Elegant: Borzois are one of the taller dog breeds, with males typically standing between 28 to 33 inches (71 to 84 cm) at the shoulder.

Limited Popularity: While highly regarded by those who appreciate their elegance and unique history, Borzois are not one of the most popular dog breeds and are considered somewhat rare.


Borzoi Dog: FAQ

1. What is a Borzoi?

A Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound, is a large and elegant breed of dog originally bred for hunting fast-moving game in Russia, such as wolves and hares.

2. What does “Borzoi” mean?

“Borzoi” is a Russian word that means “fast” or “swift,” reflecting the breed’s exceptional speed and agility.

3. How big does Borzois get?

Borzois are a large breed. Males typically stand between 28 to 33 inches (71 to 84 cm) at the shoulder, and females are slightly smaller.

4. What is the Borzoi’s temperament like?

Borzois are known for their gentle and reserved temperament. They are often dignified and somewhat aloof, but they form strong bonds with their owners and can be loyal companions.

5. Are Borzois good with children?

Borzois can be good with older children who know how to interact with dogs gently and respectfully. Due to their size and reserved nature, supervision is essential.

6. Do Borzois require a lot of exercise?

Yes, Borzois has high energy levels and requires regular exercise. They enjoy running and benefit from activities like jogging, hiking, or lure coursing.

7. Are Borzois good watchdogs?

Yes, Borzois are good watchdogs. They are alert and will often alert their owners to potential threats, but they are not typically aggressive barkers.

8. Do Borzois shed a lot?

Borzois have long, silky coats, but they are not heavy shedders. Regular brushing can help keep their coat in good condition and reduce shedding.

9. Are Borzois prone to any health issues?

Yes, Borzois are susceptible to certain health issues, including heart disease, bloat, hip dysplasia, and certain genetic conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups are important.

10. Do Borzois get along with other pets?

Borzois have a strong prey drive due to their hunting background, so they may chase small animals, including cats and small dogs. Early socialization can help mitigate this behavior.

11. How long do Borzois typically live?

Borzois have a relatively short lifespan compared to smaller breeds, with an average life expectancy of 7 to 10 years.

12. Are Borzois easy to train?

Borzois can be independent thinkers and may require patient, consistent training methods. Positive reinforcement and early socialization are essential for successful training.


Key Takeaways

Considering the Borzoi price in India and all the associated expenses and responsibilities that come with owning one is essential before committing. Their elegance, grace, and gentle temperament make them a unique breed, but their independent nature and specific needs require dedicated and responsible ownership. Ensure you are well-prepared for the challenges and joys of owning a Borzoi before welcoming one into your family.


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